A New Project For A New Year
We hope to inspire folks to get away from social media for a bit and connect with one another in a more tangible fashion. The Short Story Back in December, we invited (drafted?) twenty households (individuals, couples, families) to receive a creative mailing every month in 2020. The process was simple: we would give ourselves the first twenty days of each month to envision and prepare a small creative project that could be mailed to members of the list. The first two volumes of the 2020twenty were conceived, created, and mailed. While working on the third 2020twenty in March, the novel coronavirus outbreak was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. We paused. We ruminated. We stewed. We wondered. We decided. We are forging ahead. Edit: This recent development strengthens our resolve to invest in the United States Postal Service by using the United States Postal Service… People Are Buying Stamps And Praising Mail Carriers After The US Postal Servic...